Bed-time Story

Illustration © The Estate of John David Roberts. Reproduced with the permission of the William Roberts Society. Catalogue information based on the catalogue raisonné by David Cleall. For this and full details of the exhibitions cited, see the links below. Any auction prices quoted may not include all fees and taxes, such as VAT and Artist's Resale Right charges.

Bed-time Story

Bed-time Story, 1943
Oil on canvas, 25.5 cm x 35.5 cm

Painted at Oxford.
PROVENANCE: Purchased from the artist c.1959 by Mrs Nora Meninsky > Luke Gertler > Sotheby's 7 June 2024 (£33,600)
EXHIBITION HISTORY: London Group 1948, Leicester Galleries (1) 1958, Tate Gallery 1965, Leeds/Ben Uri Gallery 2003

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